Naresh: Le 05/02/2022 à 13:39 | MAJ à 05/02/2022 à 13:39
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Publié : Le 05/02/2022 à 13:39 | MAJ à 05/02/2022 à 13:39
Par : Naresh
Destiny 2 The Witch Queen, the next major expansion for Destiny 2 is just one month away. When it arrives, you’ll be facing down the cunning Hive goddess Savathun and her newly empowered army of Hive Lightbearers in her Throne World – one of the expansion’s new destinations. Destiny 2 The Witch Queen will add a big campaign, a new Raid within a Pyramid ship, and even more weapons, including the new Glaive special weapon type. The Witch Queen will also introduce a new weapon crafting system and quality-of-life changes, and the launch of Season 16 will revamp the existing Void Subclasses with Aspects and Fragments like Stasis. Let’s have a look at everything we know so far about Destiny 2 The Witch Queen.